Publicity Resources & Brand Assets

When referencing Ability Central in press releases, annual reports, on social media, or communications of any kind please use these resources. This allows you to accurately represent our mission and brand without the need to get our approval on your grantor communications.

About Ability Central

Ability Central is a nonprofit in Oakland, CA, that expands communication access for people with disabilities.

Ability Central is on a mission to serve as an educator, convener, and resource that works collaboratively to ensure communications and information access in service of individuals who are Deaf or disabled.

Ability Central’s vision is to transform the field of communication and information access so that all individuals can realize their right and ability to access information and express themselves.

How is Ability Central achieving this?

  • Ability Central makes grants and collaborates with community leaders to improve communication and information access for people who are Deaf and disabled.
  • Ability Central values our grantees as partners.
  • Ability Central provides practical support in addition to our direct financial grants.
  • Ability Central encourages our partners’ input (through regular communication and grantee meetings) in helping us achieve our mission.

Formerly known as the Disability Communications Fund (DCF), Ability Central has been making grants out of Oakland, CA, since 2010.

Contact Info

When referencing Ability Central in digital communications (including social media), please provide a link back to our website:

For other contact information, please get in touch with our staff:

Matt Cherry | Director of Philanthropy

Jessie Galloway | Associate Program Officer

Brand Assets

Press Release Template

When announcing your grant, please consider using this press release template.